
You can use Meilisearch's power with all composables available in this package.


Use this composable to search into the provide index.

<script setup>
const { search, result } = useMeiliSearch('books') // books is the index name

onMounted(async () => {
  await search('harry');

search(query: string, options?: SearchParams)

It will return a promise with the result of the search. All options are available here


It will return the result of the search and will be updated each time you call search function.

Result will be shape like descibe here

Result will be also set into useState('#INDEX-search-result') where #INDEX is the index name. Usefull if you want to use the result in another component.


<script setup>
  const booksResult = useState('books-search-result')


This composable is the same as useMeiliSearch but it will return a data object for SSR usage, with refresh function to update the data.

index and query are required.

It will be the intial setup of the search. you can also privide params to add some options to the search. All options are available here

const { data, refresh } = await useAsyncMeiliSearch({
  index: 'books',
  query: 'harry',
  params: {
    limit: 2


Use this composable you have access to meilisearch from you component.

<script setup>
const meilisearch = useMeiliSearchRef()